Email Migration
EVMS IT has worked with ODU IT to plan an email and workstation migration to ODU’s Office 365 standard with the least impact possible for users. During the email migration, IT will handle the import of current, archived, and saved emails stored on your workstation (PSTs) to your ODU mailbox. ODU’s Mailbox Limit is 50-100 GB; much larger than EVMS has today. Workstation migration will require the backing up and restoration of workstation files.
What should you do to prepare for both the email and workstation migration?
- Delete any email messages or folders no longer needed.
- Delete any workstation files or folders no longer needed.
- Eliminate all personal email in your EVMS mailbox or personal files on EVMS storage (EVMS workstation or network) by either deleting them or moving them to your personal systems (email and computers).
- Modify any personal accounts using your EVMS email as either a login or point of contact (e.g., banks, credit cards, health records, etc.). Your EVMS email will ultimately be replaced with your ODU email. At that point, your EVMS email can no longer be used for authentication or verification.
What other things do I need to know about the email and workstation migration?
- Detailed records retention guidelines and instructions for applying retention tags will be coming at a later date.
- EVMS will have 1 year to apply retention policies to emails migrated to ODU.
- As your workstation is migrated, IT will provide instructions for and be available to assist you with moving data and files stored on your workstation.
- The email and workstation migration will begin when integration leadership authorizes IT to proceed.
- A FAQ has been prepared by the EVMS Office of the General Counsel addressing email and document destruction. OGC FAQ Guidance on Email and Document Destruction
If you have any questions or concerns please contact EVMS IT.