
Required Training Awareness

Welcome to the Monarch family! To ensure your onboarding is effective at equipping you with knowledge and skills necessary for a smooth transition, it is important that you are aware of the training requirements below. You are strongly encouraged to consult with your immediate supervisor to confirm which trainings apply to your position.

Financial Services Training

These trainings cover a broad range of topics, such as policies and procedures, Banner (the University’s ERP) utilization, budget management, reporting, small purchase charge card and procurement. Trainings are available online, as well as in person. Please review the Office of Finance and Procurement Services Training Website to learn more. All employees will be required to complete their corresponding Web Time Entry training. Specific trainings may be required based on position roles and responsibilities. Required training needs and in-person and virtual training dates are being finalized now. If you are identified with specific financial responsibilities, you will receive an additional targeted training communication in the near future.

Research Training (Sponsored Program Pre- and Post-Award Administration)

Trainings will be facilitated, both in-person and virtual sessions, for research faculty and support staff. RSVPs will begin in mid-May with a lunch kick-off on Wednesday, May 29 in Waitzer Hall followed by three online sessions in June. The sessions will provide EVHSC faculty information on proposal submission processes, award management, and compliance topics, including working with the IRBs, IACUC, Conflict of Interest, and research purchasing. The team will provide time for questions at the end of the session, as well as where to find resources online and additional help. If you have any questions, please contact EVMS Research at or 757.446.8480.

State Mandatory Training

Within 60 days of their start date, new state employees are required to complete the state mandatory training in the Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center (COVLC). After July 1, you will receive your login and password to access the COVLC system. The COVLC login and password are different from your MIDAS ID. If you experience technical difficulties or have questions, please email

Supervisor Essentials Training

Supervisors of classified employees are required to take the Supervisor Essentials course. This is a two-day online class that provides information about performance management and state policies related to the supervision of state employees. Additional information and registration are available online.