
Color is a vital element in bringing our brand identity to life. It has the power to enhance our brand's personality and communicate our values in a visually compelling way. To drive familiarity with established audiences this palette blends the primary colors of EVMS and Old Dominion. A gradient treatment with the primary Old Dominion and EVMS blues is a symbolic representation of the integration. A new color, CTA Green, adds a striking accent that nicely complements the rest of the palette.

Monarch Blue

CMYK: 100, 77, 38, 36
RGB: 0, 48, 87
HEX: #003057
PMS 540

Silver Reign

CMYK: 52, 40, 37, 3
RGB: 130, 130, 143
HEX: #828A8F
PMS 430


CMYK: 83, 37, 27, 5
RGB: 31, 127, 155
HEX: #1f7f9b
PMS 633


CMYK: 38, 11, 0, 0
RGB: 152, 197, 234
HEX: #98C5EA
PMS 283


CMYK: 100, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 255, 255, 255
HEX: #ffffff


CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100
RGB: 0, 0, 0
HEX: #000000

CTA Green

CMYK: 100, 0, 45, 48
RGB: 0, 133, 73
HEX: #008549
PMS 348


Location 0%
CMYK: 100, 77, 38, 36
RGB: 0, 48, 87
HEX: #003057


Location 100%
CMYK: 83, 37, 27, 5
RGB: 31, 127, 155
HEX: #1f7f9b


Color Usage

When creating assets, follow these guidelines for color usage:

Monarch Blue and shades is a primary palette color with wide usage across the brand. Suitable for decorative elements and as background colors.

EVMS Blue is a primary palette color with wide usage across the brand. Suitable for decorative elements and as background colors.

Hudson is a secondary palette color to be used sparingly. Suitable as an accent color for decorative elements like patterns or icons.

CTA Green and its shades are designated call-to-action colors to be used only for UI elements prompting user actions.

Silver Reign and its shades function as neutral colors to be employed when other palette choices are not appropriate. They can also be used for line elements.

White and Black should be used for copy text. White is also appropriate as a background color.

Gradients of various color shades can be used as decorative elements or as a background to add dimensionality to an asset.

Visual demonstration of where colors are used in elements of the VHS website
Visual demonstration of where colors are used in elements of the VHS website
Visual demonstration of where colors are used in elements of the VHS website
  • Monarch Blue
    90% - 10% Tint
  • Silver Reign
    90% - 10% Tint
  • Hudson
    90% - 10% Tint