Classified Staff Retirement

Virginia Retirement System (VRS)

The following chart has some basic information about these benefits.

Feature Virginia Retirement System
Eligible All Employees
Vesting 4 Years for DC / 5 Years for DB – see below
Matching For Additional Voluntary Contributions

How long do I plan to work for ODU?

I plan to spend a good portion of my career working for ODU, how does the VRS work?

Example:  Estimated basic retirement benefit if you work for ODU for 10 years and make $35,000 per year each year.

What if I contribute the full 9% to the VRS Plan?

Example:  Estimated basic retirement benefit if you work for ODU for 10 years and make $35,000 per year each year and contribute the full 9% to the plan.

Am I comfortable investing my account balance?

VRS pension committee invests money and is responsible for paying any pension amount in retirement that an employee earns. You will choose how to invest the 1% defined contribution amount and any additional voluntary Hybrid 457 contributions.