Faculty Retirement

Choose your retirement benefit

You have 60 days to pick either the Virginia Retirement Systems (VRS) or the Optional Retirement Plan (ORPHE).

Once Faculty members make their retirement elections the next step is to confirm a sick leave plan. All faculty must complete the Faculty Leave Plan Election Form (Accessible PDF). Those enrolling in the VRS Hybrid Plan and selecting the ODU Sick Leave plan must also complete the VSDP-2 College and University Faculty Opt-Out.

Feature Virginia Retirement System Optional Retirement Plan
Eligible All Employees Faculty and Professional Employees
Vesting 4 Years for DC / 5 Years for DB – see below Immediate
Matching For Additional Voluntary Contributions N/A

How long do I plan to work for ODU?

I plan to spend a good portion of my career working for ODU, how does the VRS work?

Example: Work for ODU for 10 years and make $65,000 per year.  At the end of 10 years how would the benefits compare?

Am I comfortable investing my account balance?

You choose how to invest the 1% DC amount and any additional voluntary Hybrid 457 contributions.