Title IX Information for Employees

Sexual Harassment Policy

ODU's Policy on Title IX and Sexual Misconduct (1008) outlines prohibited behavior, how to make a report, and the types of support available to both parties.

What is sexual harassment?

It is a type of sex discrimination involving unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It includes:

What are your rights and responsibilities under the policy?

Your rights

You have the right to report incidents anonymously and not be discouraged from reporting, to be informed of outcomes and sanctions, to receive assistance reporting to the police, not be asked about irrelevant sexual history, inspect and review evidence, and not have incidents mediated when you would prefer investigation.

Your responsibilities

You are responsible for engaging in professional relationships with coworkers and maintaining appropriate boundaries. ODU prohibits romantic and sexual relationships with anyone over whom you hold academic or supervisory power.

Responsible employees

All supervisors, teaching and research faculty, graduate assistants, law enforcement, student affairs staff, and employees who redress incidents in violation of this policy must report allegations of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. All known details, including names, must be shared.

Confidential reporting

Only a licensed healthcare provider or licensed counselor and/or their support staff, or an accredited rape crisis or domestic violence counselor may remain confidential. ODU also designates the YWCA of South Hampton Roads and the Victim Advocate in the Women’s & Gender Equity Center.

Make a report

ODU's IX Title Coordinator: Kate Couch
Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity
4111 Monarch Way, Suite 106
757.683.3141 | titleixcoordinator@odu.edu

What happens when a report is made?

ODU offers supportive measures, informal resolution, and formal investigation. Supportive measures include No Contact Directives, academic and workplace modifications, coordination and referral for health and counseling services, safety planning, and more. ODU prohibits retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, files a report or complaint or participates in an investigation.

Pregnancy and related conditions

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including pregnancy and parental status. Employees and students interested in modifications for pregnancy and related conditions may reach out to the Title IX Coordinator for information and assistance.